Order an new bathtub in your old one
Installing the new bathtub is a fast solution and it usually doesn’t require any preparations. Thanks to the new bathtub and the achived thermoeffect, your bathwater will stay warm longer and you don’t have to step into a cold bathtub like before.
Installing a bathtub - answers to your questions
We hope you can find some answers to your questions about intalling the bathtub. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if some of your questions are unanswered!

Installing a bathtub is 335€. That includes materials and the bath, also transport within Tallinn.
Outside of Tallinn, we will ask a transportaion fee minimum 25€, depending on your location. We offer our services mostly in Tallinn and Harju county (+100km radius). Please ask if you live further!
If you can send us measurements and pictures of your old bathtub, our expert can tetermine the type of your bathtub and come to install your bathtub in 1 week. Otherwise the bathtub will have to be examined on site and you can expect the installment of your bathtub in 1-2 weeks.
Yes, there will be a small bag of trash that the expert will not take with him. We ask that the client takes care of it.
New bathtub - new bathroom
A new bathtub will change the whole appearance of your bathroom.
If you have any questions about the service before ordersing, please see our “QA” section and don’t hesitate to get in touch if some of your questions are unanswered!