Order a bath in bath installment

A new bathhtub will be installed in your old bathtub in just a few hours. Trust the work in the hands of masters! Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have some questions! The need for additional services will be tetermined turing a consultation with the expert.

Installing a bathtub

Changes in the pricelist from 01.02.25



Front panel of the bathtub


Additional services

Bath drain replacement

If the bathtub has an old-style drain, it is necessary to replace it with a modern plastic drain to install the bathtub. The price includes wages and materials.

Replacement of sewer pipes

The price includes wages and materials.

Faucet replacement

The price does not include the faucet.

Cutting a hole in the bathroom wall and installing a hatch

Vanni paigaldamiseks võib olla vajalik kinniehitatud vanniesise seina augu lõikamine ja luugi panek, et oleks ligipääs kanalisatsioonile. Hind sisaldab luuki.

Cleaning tiles for installing a bath
